Power Macintosh G3 In-store Demo Installation Instructions
This in-store demo should be installed on a Power Macintosh G3 computer with Mac OS 8.5 or later. Make sure QuickTime 3 is installed on the system (this should have shipped with Mac OS 8.5).
The installer installs “Power Macintosh Demo Winter ‘99.” It places a demo launcher in the Startup Items folder so the demo starts automatically. It also adds an application and extension that automatically restarts the demo after three minutes if it has been quit and the system has been inactive. It does not change the system or current software in any other way.
Follow these steps:
1. Insert this CD-ROM and double-click “Power Mac In-store Installer.”
2. At the splash screen, click Continue.
3. Choose your startup disk as the installation location.
4. Click the Install button.
5. After installation has finished, click Restart.
6. After you restart, the demo will launch.
To disable automatic restart of the demo after you have quit the demo, double-click the Quitlauncher application provided in the “Power Macintosh Demo Winter ‘99” folder.
After installation please do not delete or rename any of the demo related files, otherwise the demo will not function properly.
Demo Notes
Energy Saver
The default behavior of Mac OS 8.5 puts the system to sleep after 30 minutes. The installer for this demo places an Energy Saver preference file in the Preferences folder that sets the system to never sleep.
Other Known Issues:
If you are re-installing this version of the demo, you should first delete any existing version(s) of the Demo on the hard drive. This should be any folder with the name "Power Macintosh Demo Winter ‘99". You must also delete the file named "G3 Demo Launcher Prefs" located in the Preferences folder within the System Folder. If this file is not deleted unpredictable results may occur.